‘G-dee’ Mini Bus Chronicle  

Our office has recently relocated to its original location that was previously under renovations and parking is a complete frustration. Since we are in a commercial vicinity there is rarely any available parking during the regular hours of the day and there is a daily race to find the few available spots. He who gets it is considered victorious!!

Honestly, I don’t care to be a part, nor do I intend to frustrate myself by circling the block in hopes of finding an unguarded parking spot so I have decided to use public transportation to commute. When I told my siblings this they laughed hysterically at me with much pity and tried to convince me otherwise. They said I wouldn’t last and I should reconsider my plans.

Having not wavered to their appeal, I am happy to say that this is my second week of commuting using public transportation. I decided to share the highs and lows with my colleagues only to learn that I was having bus blues because I was doing it wrong!

Here are 5 tips they shared with me:

  1. Take the bus that’s second in line to leave (to get a good seat and be less cramped between others) but not if you’re in a hurry.
  2. Always opt for the front seat once it´s available since you only share that space with one other person.
  3. Always have the exact fare to avoid being overcharged
  4. Avoid taking old buses- fancier buses are less likely to attract people with poor hygiene because they’re stricter about who they allow boarding.
  5. Always take your earphones with you (most public minibuses have the absolute worst music choice).

What tips would you share?

Published by Daniella Chase

I am a Guyanese author, speaker and entrepreneur whose life lessons about the fearlessness and faith that gives way to divine ordering. I was born and raised in the hinterland mining community of Bartica, where I spent my formative years. In 2008, I relocated to the rural coast to pursue a secondary education at the prestigious President’s College. Later, I read for a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies at the University of Guyana, graduating in 2019 with honours.

2 thoughts on “‘G-dee’ Mini Bus Chronicle  

  1. when asked to shake down abit, so that they can overload the bus, just turn your head to the window and pretend that you didn’t hear or you just don’t understand.

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