Last Sunday, I co-hosted a Book Discussion with a remarkable group of young people who are readers and leaders in many capacities. The discussion was focused on James Clear’s book Atomic Habits that teaches how to implement simple tools and techniques to transform habits.  I’m always intrigued by the different interpretations of the same stories.ContinueContinue reading “OWNING YOUR VISION”

All Things Colombia: Airfare, Visa Requirement & Accommodation

I’ve been receiving so many questions about my trip to Colombia and true to promise, I will share all the details with you. However, in an attempt to not overload you with information, I will do so in a series of weekly posts. Airfare How much dinero do you need to travel to Colombia?! TheContinueContinue reading “All Things Colombia: Airfare, Visa Requirement & Accommodation”

You Can’t Ignore The Messages The Universe Is Sending

Marianne Williamson’s book A Year of Miracles, speaks of the ancient Asian philosophy which believes that life isn’t a circle but a spiral. Every lesson that has ever been presented to us (which means everything we have ever been through), will come back again, in some form, until we learnt it. And the stakes eachContinueContinue reading “You Can’t Ignore The Messages The Universe Is Sending”

Lessons Beyond The Classroom

Who would have thought that Simone and I would hang out together? Well, that is exactly what we did. After an appointment, we went to a cosy Mexican spot for brunch. This is the first time we are sitting together to talk about things unrelated to English Literature. We do not discuss the complete worksContinueContinue reading “Lessons Beyond The Classroom”

God Came Through Again!

I don’t know if you believe there is a God but I do. I have seen his works too many times to deny his existence. Only a few hours ago my friend & I were on the phone and as per normal, our conversation progressed from one story to another until we were both sharingContinueContinue reading “God Came Through Again!”